204.567. Circuit court shall hold hearing, notice, contents--decree, filing.
Circuit court shall hold hearing, notice, contents--decree, filing.
204.567. The circuit court with jurisdiction over theformation of a sewer subdistrict and extension of the boundariesof a common sewer district to include such subdistrict pursuantto section 204.565 shall, within thirty days after receiving thepetition, schedule a public hearing on the petition. The clerkof the circuit court having such jurisdiction shall give noticeof the time and the place of the public hearing by publication atleast once each week for three consecutive weeks in one or morenewspapers having a general circulation in the proposedsubdistrict and in the common sewer district. Such notice shallstate that the subdistrict will, upon its formation, be asubdistrict of the common sewer district, which will beidentified by name, and shall describe either the boundaries ofthe proposed subdistrict or the area to be included within theproposed subdistrict. If the court shall find formation of suchsubdistrict reasonable or necessary, the court shall enter itsdecree extending the boundaries of the common sewer district,declaring the area to be a sewer subdistrict of the common sewerdistrict, and approving the map submitted by the petitioners.The decree and map shall then be filed by the circuit clerk inthe office of the recorder of deeds for each county in which anyportion of such subdistrict and of the common sewer district issituated and with the county commission or county legislature, asthe case may be, of each such county.
(L. 1992 H.B. 948 § 2)Effective 2-18-92