204.450. Proposition defeated, costs already incurred, paid how--successive elections for bond, authorized.
Proposition defeated, costs already incurred, paid how--successiveelections for bond, authorized.
204.450. If, after the preparation of a plan for a system oftrunk sewers and treatment facilities, the voters of the commonsewer district defeat the proposition for the issuance of revenuebonds to fund the construction of the system, the board oftrustees may levy and assess upon all real property within thedistrict a special tax at such rate as shall be necessary to paythe cost incurred in the proceedings incorporating the district,the preparation of the plan for the trunk sewer and treatmentsystem, the conduct of the elections in the district and thenecessary expenses of the district from the time of itsincorporation until the bond election. The special tax shall belevied by the county commission, county commissions, or countylegislature and shall be collected and enforced by the sameofficers and in the same manner as provided for state and countytaxes. If the voters of the common sewer district defeat aproposition for the issuance of revenue bonds, successive revenuebond issue elections may be held and the same proposition ordifferent propositions may be submitted to the voters inaccordance with section 204.370.
(L. 1967 p. 310 § 26, A.L. 1983 H.B. 371)