204.332. Subdistricts, how created, alternative method.
Subdistricts, how created, alternative method.
204.332. In lieu of the method of incorporation provided insections 249.450 and 249.460, RSMo, subdistricts may be createdin the following manner: Upon written recommendation of thecounty highway engineer, county sewer engineer, or director ofpublic works; or upon petition of twenty percent or more of theregistered voters within the area which will be liable toassessment for the construction and maintenance of a sewersystem, setting forth generally the area to be included, thecounty commission or county legislature shall adopt a resolutionto establish the subdistrict and describing generally the sizeand location of the proposed subdistrict. The county commissionor county legislature may designate the highway engineer ordirector of public works as sewer engineer, or may retain theservices of an engineer or firm of engineers as sewer engineers.The sewer engineer shall advise the county commission or countylegislature with reference to proper boundaries of anysubdistricts to be established and shall also superintend theconstruction of the sewers and the maintenance thereof and theapportionment of the cost thereof as provided by law. The countycommission or county legislature shall also request the countyclerk, clerk of the legislature, or other appropriate officer toappoint or designate a deputy to keep the special records whichare required for the proceedings for the construction andmaintenance of the sewer subdistricts or divisions. In addition,the requirements of sections 249.070 and 249.480, RSMo, must becomplied with before a sewer subdistrict can be incorporatedunder the provisions of sections 204.331 and 204.332.
(L. 1972 H.B. 1239 & 1300, A.L. 1983 H.B. 371)