204.256. Powers of board of trustees of common sewer district after creation of subdistrict.

Powers of board of trustees of common sewer district after creation ofsubdistrict.

204.256. When a sewer subdistrict of a common sewerdistrict has been formed pursuant to the alternative method ofcreation prescribed in subsections 3 to 7 of section 204.250, theboard of trustees of the common sewer district shall have thesame powers with regard to the subdistrict as for the commonsewer district as a whole, plus the following additional powers:

(1) To provide for the construction, extension,improvement, and operation of such sewers, sewer systems, andtreatment and disposal facilities, as the board determinesnecessary for the preservation of public health and maintenanceof sanitary conditions in the subdistrict;

(2) For the purpose of meeting the costs of activitiesundertaken pursuant to the authority granted in this section, toissue bonds in anticipation of revenues of the subdistrict in thesame manner as set out in sections 204.360 to 204.450, for otherbonds of the common sewer district. Issuance of such bonds forthe subdistrict shall require the assent only of four-sevenths ofthe voters voting on the question;

(3) To charge the costs of the common sewer district foroperation and maintenance attributable to the subdistrict, plus aproportionate share of the common sewer district's costs ofadministration to revenues of the subdistrict and to considersuch costs in determining reasonable charges to impose within thesubdistrict under section 204.440;

(4) To provide for the treatment and disposal of sewagefrom the subdistrict in or by means of facilities of the commonsewer district not located within the subdistrict with theconcurrence of the subdistrict advisory board, in which case theboard of trustees shall also have authority to charge aproportionate share of the costs of the common sewer district foroperation and maintenance to revenues of the subdistrict and toconsider such costs in determining reasonable charges* to imposewithin the subdistrict under section 204.440;

(5) To add contiguous property to the subdistrict with theapproval of at least two-thirds of the landowners within suchcontiguous territory.

(L. 1992 H.B. 1803 § 6, A.L. 1993 S.B. 80, et al.)

*Word "changes" appears in original rolls, an apparent typographical error.