199.270. Proceedings for release of patient.
Proceedings for release of patient.
199.270. Any time after commitment, the patient or anyfriend or relative having reason to believe that such patient nolonger has contagious tuberculosis or that his discharge will notendanger public health, may institute proceedings by petition, inthe circuit court of the county wherein the confinement exists,whereupon the court shall set the matter down for a hearingbefore him within fifteen days requiring the person or persons towhose care the patient was committed to show cause on a daycertain why the patient should not be released. The court shallalso require that the patient be allowed the right to be examinedprior to the hearing by a licensed physician of his own choice,if so desired, and at his own personal expense. Thereafter allproceedings shall be conducted the same as on the proceedings forcommitment with the right of appeal by either party as hereinprovided; provided, however, such petition for discharge shallnot be brought or renewed oftener than once every six months.
(L. 1961 p. 518 § 7)