199.003. Injury prevention, head injury rehabilitation and local health services, division of, created--powers--duties.

Injury prevention, head injury rehabilitation and local healthservices, division of, created--powers--duties.

199.003. 1. The "Division of Injury Prevention, Head InjuryRehabilitation and Local Health Services" is hereby created and shall be adivision of the department of health and senior services. The division shallhave the responsibility of ensuring that injury prevention and head injuryrehabilitation evaluation, case management, treatment, rehabilitation, andcommunity support services are accessible, wherever possible. The divisionshall have and exercise supervision of division rehabilitation facilities,residential programs and specialized services operated by the division andoversight of facilities, programs and services funded by the division. Thedivision may also plan for prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and care,including hospice, for persons with other diseases as determined by thegeneral assembly by appropriations. The division shall also haveresponsibilities for the support, development, and coordination of localhealth services.

2. The powers, functions and duties of the division shall include thefollowing:

(1) Provision of funds for planning in cooperation with the Missourihead injury advisory council and implementation of accessible programs torehabilitate and care for persons with head injuries, injury prevention andresearch;

(2) Provision of technical assistance and training to community-basedprograms and assistance and cooperation to programs of political subdivisionsdesigned to assist in planning and implementing quality services;

(3) Assurance of program quality in compliance with such appropriatestandards for residential facilities, day programs, and specialized programsas may be established by the division;

(4) Sponsorship and encouragement of research into the causes, effects,prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries and appropriateness andcost and benefit effectiveness of head injury rehabilitation, residentialprograms and specialized services;

(5) Provision of public information relating to injury prevention andhead injury treatment and rehabilitation;

(6) Cooperation with nonstate governmental agencies and the privatesector in establishing, conducting, integrating and coordinating programs andprojects relating to injury prevention and head injury treatment andrehabilitation;

(7) Review and oversight of those portions of the department's annualbudget which are directed for injury prevention and head injury services;

(8) Encouragement of the utilization, support, assistance and dedicationof volunteers to assist persons affected by head injuries to be accepted andintegrated into normal community activities;

(9) Support, development, and coordination of local health services,which shall include but shall not be limited to:

(a) Professional resources and staff development;

(b) Services assessment and coordination;

(c) Standards development, implementation and quality assurance;

(d) Provision of basic public health services in areas not served bylocal public health agencies;

(e) Fiscal resources and management;

(f) Technical assistance; and

(g) Assistance with public health problems, emergencies and conditions.

(L. 1991 H.B. 218 merged with S.B. 125 & 341)

Effective 8-28-91 (H.B. 218) 7-1-92 (S.B. 125 & 341)