198.087. Uniformity of application of regulation standards, department's duties.
Uniformity of application of regulation standards, department'sduties.
198.087. To ensure uniformity of application of regulation standards inlong-term care facilities throughout the state, the department of socialservices shall:
(1) Evaluate the requirements for inspectors or surveyors of facilities,including the eligibility, training and testing requirements for the position.
Based on the evaluation, the department shall develop and implement additionaltraining and knowledge standards for inspectors and surveyors;
(2) Periodically evaluate the performance of the inspectors or surveyorsregionally and statewide to identify any deviations or inconsistencies inregulation application. At a minimum, the Missouri on-site surveyorevaluation process, and the number and type of actions overturned by theinformal dispute resolution process and formal appeal shall be used in theevaluation. Based on such evaluation, the department shall develop standardsand a retraining process for the region, state, or individual inspector orsurveyor, as needed;
(3) In addition to the provisions of subdivisions (1) and (2) of thissection, the department shall develop a single uniform comprehensive andmandatory course of instruction for inspectors/surveyors on the practicalapplication of enforcement of statutes, rules and regulations. Such courseshall also be open to attendance by administrators and staff of facilitieslicensed pursuant to this chapter;
(4) With the full cooperation of and in conjunction with the departmentof health and senior services, evaluate the implementation and compliance ofthe provisions of subdivision (3) of subsection 1 of section 198.012 in whichrules, requirements, regulations and standards pursuant to section 197.080,RSMo, for assisted living facilities, intermediate care facilities and skillednursing facilities attached to an acute care hospital are consistent with theintent of this chapter. A report of the differences found in the evaluationconducted pursuant to this subdivision shall be made jointly by thedepartments of social services and health and senior services to the governorand members of the general assembly by January 1, 2008; and
(5) With the full cooperation and in conjunction with the department ofhealth and senior services, develop rules and regulations requiring theexchange of information, including regulatory violations, between thedepartments to ensure the protection of individuals who are served by healthcare providers regulated by either the department of health and seniorservices or the department of social services.
(L. 1999 S.B. 326 § 11, A.L. 2006 S.B. 616)