197.326. Lobbyist and interest registration required, when, contents, penalty--general assembly member prohibited from accepting contributions, when--certain persons may not offer gifts, when, penalty
Lobbyist and interest registration required, when, contents,penalty--general assembly member prohibited from acceptingcontributions, when--certain persons may not offer gifts, when,penalty.
197.326. 1. Any person who is paid either as part of hisnormal employment or as a lobbyist to support or oppose anyproject before the health facilities review committee shallregister as a lobbyist pursuant to chapter 105, RSMo, and shallalso register with the staff of the health facilities reviewcommittee for every project in which such person has an interestand indicate whether such person supports or opposes the namedproject. The registration shall also include the names andaddresses of any person, firm, corporation or association thatthe person registering represents in relation to the namedproject. Any person violating the provisions of this subsectionshall be subject to the penalties specified in section 105.478,RSMo.
2. A member of the general assembly who also serves as amember of the health facilities review committee is prohibitedfrom soliciting or accepting campaign contributions from anyapplicant or person speaking for an applicant or any opponent toany application or persons speaking for any opponent while suchapplication is pending before the health facilities reviewcommittee.
3. Any person regulated by chapter 197 or 198, RSMo, andany officer, attorney, agent and employee thereof, shall notoffer to any committee member or to any person employed as staffto the committee, any office, appointment or position, or anypresent, gift, entertainment or gratuity of any kind or anycampaign contribution while such application is pending beforethe health facilities review committee. Any person guilty ofknowingly violating the provisions of this section shall bepunished as follows: For the first offense, such person isguilty of a class B misdemeanor; and for the second andsubsequent offenses, such person is guilty of a class D felony.
(L. 1992 S.B. 573 & 634)