197.312. Certificate of need not required for St. Louis residential care facilities and assisted living facilities--certain other facilities, certificate not required.
Certificate of need not required for St. Louis residential carefacilities and assisted living facilities--certain otherfacilities, certificate not required.
197.312. A certificate of need shall not be required for any institutionpreviously owned and operated for or in behalf of a city not within a countywhich chooses to be licensed as a facility defined under subdivision (21) or(22) of section 198.006, RSMo, for a facility of ninety beds or less that isowned or operated by a not-for-profit corporation which is exempt from federalincome tax as an organization described in section 501(c)(3) of the InternalRevenue Code of 1986, which is controlled directly by a religious organizationand which has received approval by the division of aging of plans forconstruction of such facility by August 1, 1995, and is licensed by thedivision of aging by July 1, 1996, as a facility defined under subdivision(21) or (22) of section 198.006, RSMo, or for a facility, serving exclusivelymentally ill, homeless persons, of sixteen beds or less that is owned oroperated by a not-for-profit corporation which is exempt from federal incometax which is described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of1986, which is controlled directly by a religious organization and which hasreceived approval by the division of aging of plans for construction of suchfacility by May 1, 1996, and is licensed by the division of aging by July 1,1996, as a facility defined under subdivision (21) or (22) of section 198.006,RSMo, or an assisted living facility located in a city not within a countyoperated by a not for profit corporation which is exempt from federal incometax which is described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of1986, which is controlled directly by a religious organization and which islicensed for one hundred beds or less on or before August 28, 1997.
(L. 1995 S.B. 108 § 1 subsec. 5, A.L. 1996 H.B. 1362)Effective 7-12-96
*Reprinted due to editorial change required by § 198.005.