197.260. Report of compliance, service--disclosure of reports, confidentiality of information.
Report of compliance, service--disclosure of reports,confidentiality of information.
197.260. 1. Upon the completion of a survey, the department shallprepare a report of the department's findings with respect to whether thehospice is in compliance or out of compliance with the provisions of sections197.250 to 197.280 and the rules made pursuant thereto. The report shallcontain a list of deficiencies found and cite each statute or rule with whichthe hospice is found to be out of compliance. A copy of the report shall beserved upon the hospice not later than fifteen working days after the surveyis completed. The hospice shall inform the department of the time necessaryfor compliance and shall file a plan of correction with the department withinten days of the receipt of the deficiency list. As used in this subsection,"days" shall exclude weekends and state holidays.
2. The department of health and senior services may disclose to thepublic final reports of the inspections or surveys showing the standards bywhich inspections or surveys were conducted, whether such standards were met,and, if such standards were not met, in what manner they were not met and howthe facility proposed to correct or did correct the deficiencies. All otherinformation whatsoever, including information and reports submitted to thedepartment of health and senior services by governmental agencies andrecognized accrediting organizations in whole or in part for certificationpurposes pursuant to sections 197.250 to 197.280, collected during suchinspections or surveys or information which is derived as a result of suchinspections or surveys shall be confidential and shall be disclosed only tothe person or organization which is the subject of the inspection or survey ora representative thereof.
(L. 1992 H.B. 899 § 6)