197.235. Failure to have license a misdemeanor--attorney general to act for department--advertising, cannot imply state operation, fine.
Failure to have license a misdemeanor--attorney general to actfor department--advertising, cannot imply state operation, fine.
197.235. 1. Any person operating, conducting, managing, or establishingan ambulatory surgical center without a license required by sections 197.200to 197.240 is guilty of a class A misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall besubject to a fine of not more than five hundred dollars. Each day ofcontinuing violation shall constitute a separate offense.
2. The attorney general shall represent the department of health andsenior services and shall institute an action in the name of the state forinjunctive or other relief against any person or governmental unit to restrainor prevent the establishment, conduct, management, or operation of anambulatory surgical center without a license issued pursuant to the provisionsof sections 197.200 to 197.240.
3. Any person operating, conducting, managing, or establishing anambulatory surgical center who, in the course of advertising, promoting, orotherwise publicizing the activities, business, location, or any other matterconcerning the operations of said ambulatory surgical center, uses or employsin any manner the words "State, Missouri, State of Missouri, Department ofHealth and Senior Services, the initials 'Mo.'," or any emblem of the state ofMissouri or the department of health and senior services, for the purpose ofconveying or in any manner reasonably calculated to convey the falseimpression that the state of Missouri or any department, agency, bureau, orinstrumentality thereof is involved in the business of said ambulatorysurgical center, or took part in said advertisement, promotion, publicity, orother statement, shall be subject to a fine of one hundred dollars per day foreach day during the period beginning with the day said advertisement,promotion, publication, or statement first appears and ending on the day onwhich it is withdrawn.
(L. 1975 S.B. 1 § 8, A.L. 1986 H.B. 1162)