197.165. Infection control advisory panel appointed--members--expenses, fund created.
Infection control advisory panel appointed--members--expenses,fund created.
197.165. 1. The department shall appoint an "Infection ControlAdvisory Panel" for the purposes of implementing sections 192.131 and192.667, RSMo.
2. Members of the infection control advisory panel shall include:
(1) Two public members;
(2) Three board-certified or board-eligible physicians licensedpursuant to chapter 334, RSMo, who are affiliated with a Missouri hospitalor medical school, active members of the Society for Health CareEpidemiology of America, and have demonstrated interest and expertise inhealth facility infection control;
(3) One physician licensed pursuant to chapter 334, RSMo, who isactive in the practice of medicine in Missouri and who holds medical staffprivileges at a Missouri hospital;
(4) Four infection control practitioners certified by thecertification board of infection control and epidemiology, at least two ofwhom shall be practicing in a rural hospital or setting and at least two ofwhom shall be registered professional nurses licensed under chapter 335,RSMo;
(5) A medical statistician with an advanced degree in such specialty;*
(6) A clinical microbiologist with an advanced degree in suchspecialty;
(7) Three employees of the department, representing the functions ofhospital and ambulatory surgical center licensure, epidemiology and healthdata analysis, who shall serve as ex officio nonvoting members of thepanel.
3. Reasonable expenses of the panel shall be paid from privatedonations made specifically for that purpose to the "Infection ControlAdvisory Panel Fund", which is hereby created in the state treasury. Ifsuch donations are not received from private sources, then the provisionsof this act** shall be implemented without the advisory panel.
(L. 2004 S.B. 1279)*Word "and" appears in original rolls.
**"This act" (S.B. 1279, 2004) contained numerous sections. Consult Disposition of Sections table for a definitive listing.