196.945. Inspection fee, payable when--hearing and notice before fee established.
Inspection fee, payable when--hearing and notice before feeestablished.
196.945. An inspection fee shall be annually established bythe board not to exceed five cents on each one hundred pounds ofgrade A raw milk for pasteurization produced under state milkinspection and* shall be paid by the milk plant to the state milkboard. Milk dealers, processors, or distributors selling gradedfluid milk and fluid milk products in the state as provided forby section 196.949 shall pay a fee, to be established annually bythe board, not to exceed five cents on each one hundred pounds ofmilk or milk products to the state milk board; provided that nomilk producer, person, milk dealer, milk processor or milkdistributor shall be liable for inspection fees on fluid milk andfluid milk products for which fees have previously been paid tothe state milk board. Such fees shall be paid to the state milkboard on or before the twentieth day of each month for thepreceding calendar month. The annual inspection fees shall beset by the board after holding a public hearing giving thirtydays' public notice.
(L. 1972 H.B. 1280 § 9)*Word "and" does not appear in original rolls.