196.886. Sale regulations--labeling.
Sale regulations--labeling.
196.886. No person, firm, association or corporation shall:
(1) Manufacture and sell ice cream, and related frozen foodproducts defined in sections 196.851 to 196.895 in containersunless each container shall bear the name of the manufacturer orpacker or distributor on the body or lid of such container. Whenthe name of the distributor is used, the national assigned plantnumber identifying location of the manufacturer shall appear onthe container or* consumer purchasing unit; or
(2) Sell or offer for sale or have in his or its possessionwith intent to sell, any product defined in sections 196.851 to196.895 in or from a container which is falsely labeled orbranded as to the manufacturer of such product; or
(3) Sell any product defined in sections 196.851 to 196.895from a container or compartment of a fountain or cabinet whichcontains any article of food other than such products; or
(4) Use any container furnished or used for containingproducts defined in sections 196.851 to 196.895 for any otherpurposes.
(L. 1955 p. 708 § 196.870, A.L. 1980 S.B. 707)*Original rolls contain word "on".