196.780. Possession of substitute for butter--presumption.
Possession of substitute for butter--presumption.
196.780. No person shall have in his possession or under hiscontrol, any substance designed to be used as a substitute forbutter, unless the tub, firkin, box or other package containingthe same be clearly and durably marked, as provided by section196.765; provided, that this section shall not be deemed to applyto persons who have the same in their possession for the actualconsumption of themselves and family. Every person having inpossession or control any substance designed to be used as asubstitute for butter, which is not marked as required by theprovisions of sections 196.750 to 196.810, shall be presumed tohave known, during the time of such possession or control, thetrue character and name, as fixed by said sections of suchproduct.
(RSMo 1939 § 14078)Prior revisions: 1929 § 12439; 1919 § 12010; 1909 § 656