196.614. State contracted manufacturing dairy plant inspection and grading fee fund--purpose--interest--unexpended balance, transfer to general revenue prohibited.

State contracted manufacturing dairy plant inspection and grading feefund--purpose--interest--unexpended balance, transfer to generalrevenue prohibited.

196.614. 1. All moneys received by the state milk boardfrom the United States Department of Agriculture for contractedmanufacturing dairy plant inspection or grading shall bedeposited in the state treasury and credited to the "StateContracted Manufacturing Dairy Plant Inspection and Grading FeeFund", which is hereby established, subject to appropriations bythe general assembly. Amounts appropriated to the fund shall bepaid to the state milk board and used exclusively for the purposeof defraying the cost of the contracted manufacturing milkinspection and grading program. All interest generated by thefund shall be credited to the fund.

2. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 33.080, RSMo,to the contrary, any unexpended balance remaining in the fundshall not be transferred or placed to the credit of the ordinaryrevenue fund of the state by the state treasurer at the end ofeach biennium.

(L. 1985 H.B. 291 §§ 2, 3)