196.540. Administration by state milk board--rules, promulgation--exempt products.

Administration by state milk board--rules, promulgation--exemptproducts.

196.540. 1. The state milk board** shall administer the provisions ofsections 196.520 to 196.610, and is hereby authorized to:

(1) Promulgate those regulations necessary to fulfill the intent ofsections 196.520 to 196.610 as related to the production, transportation,grading, use and processing of manufacturing milk; to the packaging, labelingand storage of dairy products made therefrom; and to the measuring, weighing,sampling and testing of all milk, grade "A" fluid milk and manufacturing milk,at first point of sale; provided, such regulations are promulgated accordingto the provisions of this section and chapter 536, RSMo;

(2) Inspect manufacturing dairy farms and dairy manufacturing plants;

(3) Certify dairy farms for the production and sale of manufacturingmilk;

(4) License dairy manufacturing plants to handle and processmanufacturing milk in conformity with basic requirements and specificationsprescribed by such regulations as may be issued hereunder in effectuation ofthe intent hereof;

(5) Inspect and license laboratories involved in market testing of milkat first point of sale;

(6) Require the keeping of appropriate books and records by plants,farms, and laboratories licensed hereunder; and

(7) License qualified milk graders, fieldmen, and bulk milk truckoperators.

2. No rule or portion of a rule promulgated under the authority ofsections 196.520 to 196.614 shall become effective unless it has beenpromulgated pursuant to the provisions of section 536.024, RSMo.

3. Exempt from the provisions of sections 196.520 to 196.610 shall beice cream and frozen desserts which are under the authority of the departmentof health and senior services, which administers sections 196.851 to196.918***; and grade "A" fluid milk products, which are under the authorityof the state milk board pursuant to sections 196.931 to 196.959.

(L. 1981 H.B. 52, A.L. 1993 S.B. 52, A.L. 1995 S.B. 3)

*No continuity with § 196.540 shown repealed by L. 1981 H.B. 52.

**See Reorganization Plan No. 5 of 1982 on file with the Secretary of State.

***Section 196.918 was repealed by S.B. 707 § 1, 1980.