196.351. License suspended or revoked, when, procedure--appeal.
License suspended or revoked, when, procedure--appeal.
196.351. The director is hereby authorized and empowered tosuspend or revoke the license of any dealer, processor, orretailer, or to refuse to issue a license to any applicanttherefor if the director, after a public hearing, has found thatsuch dealer, processor, retailer, or applicant for a license, hasviolated any of the provisions of sections 196.311 to 196.361, orthe rules and regulations adopted hereunder. Any such dealer,processor, retailer, or applicant shall have full rights to havecounsel, to produce witnesses in his behalf at such hearing, andto have ten days' notice in writing of the date, time and placeof such hearing, and the charges and grounds upon which hislicense is sought to be revoked or suspended, or to be refused alicense. The order of suspension, revocation, or refusal toissue a license, shall not become final until ten days after thedate thereof, and after the party to the proceeding has beennotified in writing of the action of the director. Any party tothe proceedings that is aggrieved by any final decision or orderof the director, may appeal such order in the manner provided forsuch appeals in the Administrative Procedure Act of Missouri(Chapter 536).
(L. 1955 p. 701 § 196.352)