196.210. Toilet rooms provided.
Toilet rooms provided.
196.210. 1. Every building, room, basement or cellar,occupied or used for the preparation, manufacture, packing,canning, sale or distribution of food, shall have convenienttoilet or toilet rooms, separate and apart from the room or roomswhere the process of production, manufacture, packing, canning,selling or distributing is conducted.
2. The floors of such toilet rooms shall be of cement, tile,wood, brick or other nonabsorbent material and shall be furnishedwith separate ventilating flush or pipes, discharging into soilpipes, or on outside of the building in which they are situated.
3. Lavatories and washrooms shall be adjacent to toiletrooms, and shall be supplied with soap, running water and towels,and shall be maintained in a sanitary condition.
4. Operatives, employees, clerks and all other persons whohandle the material from which food is prepared, or the finishedproduct, before beginning work or after visiting toilets, shallwash their hands and arms thoroughly with soap and clean water.
(RSMo 1939 § 9892)Prior revisions: 1929 § 13043; 1919 § 5689