196.165. Falsely representing food to be kosher prohibited, penalty--kosher defined.

Falsely representing food to be kosher prohibited, penalty--kosherdefined.

196.165. Any hotel, inn, delicatessen, grocery or butchershop, or restaurant keeper, or any individual, firm orcorporation, carrying on and conducting a boardinghouse, eatinghouse, lunchroom business, or engaged in the catering business(all hereinafter referred to as "person"), who shall with intentto defraud, sell, prepare or expose for sale, any meat or meatpreparation, articles of food or food products, either raw orprepared for human consumption, whether the same is to beconsumed on the premises where prepared and sold, or whether sameis taken or carried elsewhere for consumption, falsely representssuch food or food preparation to be kosher, that is, that same isprepared under and of products sanctioned by the orthodox Hebrewreligious rules and requirements; or who shall falsely representthat such meat or meat preparation, food or food product is, orwill be prepared and served in accordance with such orthodoxHebrew religious rules and requirements, by displaying a sign orsigns, in, on, or about said person's place of business orestablishment, or by advertisement in any newspaper, magazine, orperiodical, or by publication in any other manner whatsoever, theintent and purpose whereof shall be to represent to the public bysuch advertisement, or any other manner whatsoever, that koshermeat or meat preparations, or food or food products are preparedand sold in such place of business or establishment, or servedtherein, or prepared or sold to be taken for consumptionelsewhere than on said premises; or who prepares, sells, serves,or prepares for sale, either to be consumed on the premises, orelsewhere, both kosher and nonkosher meat or meat preparations,or food or food products in the same place of business, who failsto keep separate kitchens and dining rooms, wherein meat or meatpreparations, or food or food products are prepared and served;or who fails to keep and use separate and distinctly labeled ormarked dishes and utensils wherein such meat or meat preparationof food or food product is prepared and served; or who shall failto indicate on all signs and display advertising, in, on, orabout said person's premises, in block letters, at least fourinches in height, "kosher and nonkosher food prepared and soldhere", as the case may be, or persons dealing in kosher meat ormeat preparations, kosher food or food products only and personsdealing in both kosher and nonkosher meat or meat preparations,kosher and nonkosher food or food products who fail* to adhere toand abide by orthodox Hebrew religious rules and requirements,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of notless than twenty-five dollars, nor more than five hundreddollars, or by imprisonment of not less than thirty days nor morethan one year, or both. Possession of nonkosher meat or meatpreparation, or food or food product in any place of businessadvertising the sale of kosher meat and food only, is prima facieevidence that the person in possession exposes the same for salewith intent to defraud in violation of the provisions of thissection.

(RSMo 1939 § 9887, A.L. 1976 S.B. 512)

Prior revision: 1929 § 13038

*Word "fails" appears in original rolls.