196.1115. Board's powers, duties and limitation on expenditures.
Board's powers, duties and limitation on expenditures.
196.1115. 1. The moneys appropriated to the life sciences researchboard that are not distributed by the board in any fiscal year to a centerfor excellence or a center for excellence endorsed program pursuant tosection 196.1112, if any, shall be held in reserve by the board or shall beawarded on the basis of peer review panel recommendations for capacitybuilding initiatives proposed by public and private not-for-profitacademic, research, or health care institutions or organizations, orindividuals engaged in competitive research in targeted fields consistentwith the provisions of sections 196.1100 to 196.1130.
2. The life sciences research board may, in view of the limitationsexpressed in section 196.1130:
(1) Award and enter into grants or contracts relating to increasingMissouri's research capacity at public or private not-for-profitinstitutions;
(2) Make provision for peer review panels to recommend and reviewresearch projects;
(3) Contract for administrative and support services;
(4) Lease or acquire facilities and equipment;
(5) Employ administrative staff; and
(6) Receive, retain, hold, invest, disburse or administer any moneysthat it receives from appropriations or from any other source.
3. The life sciences research board shall utilize as much of themoneys as reasonably possible for building capacity at public and privatenot-for-profit institutions to do research rather than for administrativeexpenses. The board shall not in any fiscal year expend more than twopercent of the total moneys appropriated to it and of the moneys that ithas in reserve or has received from other sources for its ownadministrative expenses; provided, however, that the general assembly byappropriation from the life sciences research trust fund may authorize alimited amount of additional moneys to be expended for administrativecosts.
(L. 2003 H.B. 688)