196.1106. Centers to be established--definition--areas in which centers to be established--approval by board--screening committee appointed for each area--rules, powers and duties.
Centers to be established--definition--areas in which centers tobe established--approval by board--screening committee appointedfor each area--rules, powers and duties.
196.1106. Centers for life sciences research shall be established andshall be subject to the following provisions:
(1) A "center for excellence for life sciences research" means a systemor regional consortium of public and private not-for-profit academic,research, or health care institutions or organizations engaged in competitiveresearch in targeted fields consistent with the strategic purposes of lifesciences research as provided in sections 196.1100 to 196.1130;
(2) The life sciences research board shall monitor and adopt such rulesas are necessary to assure quality and accountability in the operation of thecenters for excellence for life sciences research;
(3) One St. Louis area center for excellence may be established withinthe geographical area encompassing the city of St. Louis and St. Louis, St.Charles, Jefferson, and Franklin counties. If any part of a municipality islocated within any one such county and also encompasses a part of anothercounty in this state, the entire area encompassed within the city limits ofsuch municipality shall be a part of the geographical area of the St. Louisarea center for excellence;
(4) One Kansas City area center for excellence may be established withinthe geographical area encompassing Jackson, Clay, Andrew, Buchanan, and Plattecounties. If any part of a municipality is located within any one such countyand also encompasses a part of another county in this state, the entire areaencompassed within the city limits of such municipality shall be a part of thegeographical area of the Kansas City area center for excellence;
(5) One Springfield center for excellence may be established within thegeographical area encompassing Greene, Christian, and Webster counties;
(6) A Missouri statewide center for excellence may be established thatshall encompass the institutions, agricultural research centers dedicated tothe development of plant-made pharmaceuticals, and campuses within theUniversity of Missouri system and those regions of Missouri not encompassedwithin another center for excellence; provided that the University ofMissouri-Kansas City and the University of Missouri-St. Louis shallparticipate in the centers for excellence in their respective geographicalregions;
(7) The life sciences research board shall receive and reviewsuggestions for the formation and composition of the initial centers forexcellence. After receiving and reviewing such suggestions, the life sciencesresearch board shall determine the initial composition, and shall consider andapprove the organizational plan and structure of the St. Louis area, KansasCity area, Springfield area, and Missouri statewide centers for excellence;
(8) Before any center for excellence is considered to be a center forexcellence for life sciences research under sections 196.1100 to 196.1130, itscomposition and organizational structure shall be approved by the lifesciences research board;
(9) Any center for excellence for life sciences research that isestablished within a geographical area specified in sections 196.1100 to196.1130 shall be comprised of a consortium of public and privatenot-for-profit academic, research, or health care institutions ororganizations that have collectively at least fifteen million dollars inannual research expenditures in the life sciences, including a collectiveminimum of two million dollars in basic research in life sciences;
(10) Each center for excellence for life sciences research shall appointa screening committee. The centers, through their screening committees, shallsolicit, collect, prioritize, and forward to the life sciences research boardproposed research initiatives for consideration for funding by the board.Members of each screening committee shall generally be familiar with the lifesciences and current trends and developments with either technical orscientific expertise in the life sciences with an understanding of lifesciences and with an understanding of the application of the results of lifesciences research. No member of a screening committee shall be employed byany public or private entity eligible to receive financial support from thelife sciences research trust fund; and
(11) The centers for excellence for life sciences research shall haveany and all powers attendant to carrying out the operations that are notcontrary to the provisions of sections 196.1100 to 196.1130 or any rules,guidelines, or decisions adopted by the life sciences research board.
(L. 2003 H.B. 688)