195.509. Eligibility for state grants--department of public safety to monitor units.
Eligibility for state grants--department of public safety to monitorunits.
195.509. 1. A multijurisdictional enforcement group which meets theminimum criteria established in this section is eligible to receive stategrants to help defray the costs of operation.
2. To be eligible for state grants, a MEG shall:
(1) Be established and operating pursuant to intergovernmentalcontracts written and executed in conformity by law, and involve two ormore units of local government;
(2) Establish a MEG policy board composed of an elected official, orhis designee, and the chief law enforcement officer from each participatingunit of local government and a representative of a hazardous materialsresponse team or, if such team is not formed, then a representative of thelocal fire response agency, to oversee the operations of the MEG and makesuch reports to the department of public safety as the department mayrequire;
(3) Designate a single appropriate official of a participating unitof local government to act as the financial officer of the MEG for allparticipating units of the local government and to receive funds for theoperation of the MEG;
(4) Limit its target operation to enforcement of drug laws;
(5) Cooperate with the department of public safety in order to assurecompliance with sections 195.501 to 195.511 and to enable the department tofulfill its duties under sections 195.501 to 195.511 and supply thedepartment with all information the department deems necessary therefor;
(6) Cooperate with the local hazardous material response team toestablish a local emergency response strategy.
3. The department of public safety shall monitor the operations ofall MEG units which receive state grants. From the moneys appropriatedannually, if funds are made available by the general assembly for thispurpose, the director shall determine and certify to the auditor the amountof the grant to be made to each designated MEG financial officer. Noprovision of this section shall prohibit funding of multijurisdictionalenforcement groups by sources other than those provided by the generalassembly, if such funding is in accordance with and in such a manner asprovided by law.
(L. 1993 S.B. 180 § 5, A.L. 1999 S.B. 207)