195.042. Confidentiality of all complaints, investigatory reports and information, exceptions.
Confidentiality of all complaints, investigatory reports andinformation, exceptions.
195.042. All complaints, investigatory reports, andinformation pertaining to any applicant, registrant or individualare confidential and shall only be disclosed upon written consentof the person whose records are involved or to otheradministrative or law enforcement agencies acting within thescope of their statutory authority. However, no applicant,registrant or individual shall have access to any complaints,investigatory reports or information concerning an investigationin progress until such time as the investigation has beencompleted. Information regarding identity, including names andaddresses, registration, final disciplinary action taken andcurrency of the registration of the persons possessingregistrations to conduct activities involving controlledsubstances and the names and addresses of the applicants shallnot be confidential. This section shall not be construed toauthorize the release of records, reports or other informationwhich may be held in department files for any registrant orapplicant which are subject to other specific state or federallaws concerning their disclosure.
(L. 1994 S.B. 594)