194.299. Money in organ donor program fund, how expended.
Money in organ donor program fund, how expended.
194.299. The moneys in the organ donor program fund shall be expended asfollows:
(1) Grants by the department of health and senior services to certifiedorgan procurement organizations for the development and implementation oforgan donation awareness programs in this state;
(2) Publication of informational pamphlets or booklets by the departmentof health and senior services and the advisory committee regarding organdonations and donations to the organ donor program fund when obtaining orrenewing a license to operate a motor vehicle pursuant to subsection 2 ofsection 302.171, RSMo;
(3) Maintenance of a central registry of organ donors pursuant tosubsection 1 of section 194.304; and
(4) Implementation of organ donation awareness programs in the secondaryschools of this state by the department of elementary and secondary education.
(L. 1995 H.B. 178 § 1 subsec. 4)Effective 1-1-96