194.220. Registry to be established--gift may be made by whom.
Registry to be established--gift may be made by whom.
194.220. 1. (1) The department of health and senior services shallestablish or contract for the establishment of a first person consent organand tissue donor registry.
(2) The department of health and senior services and the departmentof revenue shall advise the individual that he or she is under noobligation to have his or her name included in the first person consentorgan and tissue donor registry.
(3) An individual who agrees to have his or her name in the firstperson consent organ and tissue donor registry has given full legal consentto the donation of any of his or her organs or tissues upon his or herdeath as recorded in the registry or as subject in subsection 2 of thissection.
(4) An individual may withdraw his or her consent to be listed in thefirst person consent organ and tissue donor registry as indicated in thissection. The department of health and senior services and the departmentof revenue shall provide information to an individual advising them thatwithdrawal of his or her consent to be listed in the registry does notconstitute a refusal to make an anatomical gift of the individual's body orpart, and that his or her agent or any person listed in section 194.245having priority to make an anatomical gift on behalf of the individual maymake a gift of the individual's body or part. (5) The department ofhealth and senior services and the department of revenue shall provideinformation advising the individual that if he or she wants to bar otherpersons from making an anatomical gift of his or her body or part, theindividual must execute a refusal under section 194.235.
2. Subject to section 194.240, an anatomical gift of a donor's bodyor part may be made during the life of the donor for the purpose oftransplantation, therapy, research, or education in the manner provided insection 194.225 by:
(1) The donor, if the donor is an adult or if the donor is a minorand is:
(a) Emancipated; or
(b) Authorized under state law to apply for a driver's license;
(2) An agent of the donor, unless the power of attorney for healthcare or other record prohibits the agent from making an anatomical gift;
(3) A parent of the donor, if the donor is an unemancipated minor; or
(4) The donor's guardian.
(L. 1969 S.B. 43 § 2, A.L. 1989 H.B. 145, A.L. 1996 H.B. 811, A.L. 2002 S.B. 1026 § 194.220 merged with § 1, A.L. 2003 S.B. 351 merged with S.B. 355, A.L. 2008 S.B. 1139)