194.130. Meetings of board--organization--funds.
Meetings of board--organization--funds.
194.130. 1. Each educational institution entitled bysections 194.120 to 194.180 to receive dead human bodies shallhave, through its representatives in attendance at the regular orcalled meetings of the board, one vote and no more on any and allmatters voted upon. There shall be at least one regular meetingeach year, held at such time and place as the board may decide.
2. The board shall adopt its own bylaws, elect or otherwisedesignate or select its own officers and agents, and determinetheir compensation.
3. Each educational institution accepting the provisions ofsections 194.120 to 194.180 shall remit to the board a sum to befixed and determined by the board; said sum shall be inproportion to the total number of students in attendance at saideducational institutions as set forth in the affidavit providedfor in section 194.140, or so much per capita for each of saidstudents within sixty days after the beginning of each term. Thefunds so received shall be used in providing for the expenseincurred in the conduct of the affairs of the board, and theboard shall have the exclusive custody and control of such fundsand their disbursements.
(RSMo 1939 § 10003)Prior revisions: 1929 § 9133; 1919 § 7348; 1909 § 8329