194.100. Transportation of bodies where cause of death is noncontagious.
Transportation of bodies where cause of death is noncontagious.
194.100. The body of any person having died of a cause ordisease that is not contagious, infectious or communicable, andfrom which no offensive odor emits, may be offered to andaccepted by any common carrier for transportation; provided, thedestination can be reached within twenty-four hours from the timeof death of such person, but if the destination cannot be reachedwithin twenty-four hours from the time of such death, then thebody must be thoroughly embalmed by arterial and cavity injectionwith a disinfecting fluid, or encased in an airtight metal ormetal-lined burial case, coffin, casket or box that is closed andhermetically sealed.
(RSMo 1939 § 9787)Prior revisions: 1929 § 9066; 1919 § 5822; 1909 § 6690