192.739. Confidentiality of reports--release of reports, requirements.
Confidentiality of reports--release of reports, requirements.
192.739. 1. All reports and records made pursuant tosections 192.735 to 192.744 and maintained by the department andother appropriate persons, officials and institutions pursuantto sections 192.735 to 192.744 shall be confidential.Information shall not be made available to any individual orinstitution except to:
(1) Appropriate staff of the department;
(2) Any person engaged in a bona fide research project,with the permission of the director of the department, exceptthat no information identifying the subjects of the reports orthe reporters shall be made available to researchers unless thedepartment requests and receives consent for such releasepursuant to the provisions of this section;
(3) The Missouri head injury advisory council, except thatno information identifying the subjects of the reports or thereporters shall be made available to the council unless consentfor release is requested and received pursuant to the provisionsof this section. Only information pertaining to head injuriesas defined in section 192.735 shall be released to the council.
2. The department shall not reveal the identity of apatient, a reporting physician or hospital, except that theidentity of the patient may be released upon written consent ofthe patient, parent or guardian, the identity of the physicianmay be released upon written consent of the physician, and theidentity of the hospital may be released upon written consent ofthe hospital.
3. The department shall request consent for release from apatient, a reporting physician or hospital only upon a showingby the applicant for such release that obtaining the identitiesof certain patients, physicians or hospitals is necessary forhis research.
4. The department shall at least annually compile a reportof the data accumulated through the reporting system establishedunder section 192.737 and shall submit such data relating tohead injuries as defined in section 192.735 and in accordancewith confidentiality restrictions established pursuant tosections 192.735 to 192.744 to the director of the Missouri headinjury advisory council.
(L. 1986 H.B. 1243 § 3)