192.710. Arthritis program review committee created--members--qualifications--appointment--term--vacancies--meetin term--duties--executive administrator.
Arthritis program review committeecreated--members--qualifications--appointment--term--vacancies--meetinterm--duties--executive administrator.
192.710. 1. The "Arthritis Program Review Committee" is hereby createdwithin the department of health and senior services. This committee shallconsist of fifteen members, two from each of the seven regions set forth insection 192.714 and one at-large member. The fourteen regional members shallbe nominated to the committee by the board. The one at-large member shall benominated by the state board of health. The members of the committee shallinclude at least one from each of the following categories: rheumatologyeducators, practicing rheumatologists, primary care practitioners, nurses,allied health professionals, arthritis patients, and members of the generalpublic. Members of the committee shall be appointed by the director inconsultation with the board of health. Of the fifteen initial members, fiveshall have a two-year term, five shall have a three-year term, and five shallhave a four-year term. Thereafter, each member shall serve a four-year termand until his successor is appointed and confirmed. Vacancies on thecommittee arising from reasons other than expiration of the member's termshall be filled by the director for the time remaining in the unexpired term.
2. The committee shall meet annually and at other such times as calledby the chairman of the committee. The chairman shall be elected annually fromthe committee membership at the first committee meeting and shall serve aschairman until a new chairman is elected, or until his term on the committeeexpires, whichever occurs first.
3. The committee shall review, make site visits and determine and makerecommendations to the board on the merit of regional arthritis centerapplications. No program or other activity will be recommended for funding bythe board without the favorable review of the committee.
4. The arthritis program coordinator shall serve the committee as itsexecutive administrator.
(L. 1984 H.B. 1028 § 5)