192.653. Reports required from certain health care providers, content--exemptions.

Reports required from certain health care providers,content--exemptions.

192.653. 1. The administrator or designated representative ofhospitals, pathology laboratories, physician offices, ambulatory surgicalcenters, residential care facilities or assisted living facilities,intermediate care facilities or skilled nursing facilities, and free-standingcancer clinics and treatment centers shall report to the department of healthand senior services every case of malignant neoplasm as required pursuant tosection 192.650. Physicians' offices shall be exempt from reporting casesthat are directly referred to or have been previously admitted to any otherfacility which is required by this subsection to report malignant neoplasms.

2. The attending physician or other health care provider responsible fora patient's diagnosis or treatment for a malignant neoplasm shall provide, inwriting, to the administrator or the administrator's designatedrepresentative, the information required pursuant to section 192.650.

3. Reports filed with the director may be submitted through a datasystem designated by the person or organization filing the report.

4. If a facility described in subsection 1 of this section is currentlysubmitting reports of cases to the department of health and senior servicesthrough a centralized reporting system, duplicate reporting shall not berequired.

(L. 1983 S.B. 163 § 2, A.L. 1999 H.B. 454)

*Reprinted due to editorial change required by § 198.005.