192.642. Osteoporosis prevention and education program, components--needs assessment, determinations.
Osteoporosis prevention and education program, components--needsassessment, determinations.
192.642. 1. The department may establish, promote, and maintain anosteoporosis prevention and education program to promote public awarenessof causes of osteoporosis, options for prevention, the value of earlydetection and possible treatments, including the benefits and risks ofthose treatments.
2. The program shall include the following:
(1) Development of a public education and outreach campaign topromote osteoporosis prevention and education, including but not limitedto:
(a) Causes and nature of the disease;
(b) Risk factors;
(c) The role of hysterectomy;
(d) Prevention of the disease, including nutrition, diet, andphysical exercise;
(e) Diagnostic procedures and appropriate indications for their use;
(f) Hormone replacement, including benefits and risks;
(g) Environmental safety and injury prevention; and
(h) The availability of osteoporosis diagnostic treatment services inthe community;
(2) Development of educational materials to be made available forconsumers, particularly targeted toward high-risk groups, through localhealth departments, local physicians, other health care providers andwomen's organizations;
(3) Development of professional education programs for health careproviders to assist them in understanding research findings and thesubjects set forth in subdivision (2) of this subsection; and
(4) Development and maintenance of a list of current providers ofspecialized services for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.Dissemination of the list shall be accompanied by a description ofdiagnostic procedures, appropriate indications for their use, and acautionary statement about the current status of osteoporosis research,prevention and treatment. The statement shall also indicate that thedepartment does not license, certify or in any other way approveosteoporosis programs or centers in the state.
3. The department may conduct a needs assessment to identify:
(1) Available technical assistance and educational materials andprograms nationwide;
(2) The level of public and professional awareness aboutosteoporosis;
(3) The needs of osteoporosis patients, their families andcaregivers;
(4) Needs of health care providers, including physicians, nurses,managed-care organizations and other health care providers;
(5) The services available to osteoporosis patients;
(6) Existence of osteoporosis treatment programs;
(7) Existence of osteoporosis support groups;
(8) Existence of rehabilitation services; and
(9) Number and location of bone density testing equipment.
(L. 1995 H.B. 212 § 2)