192.255. Medical services fund--purchase of prophylactic drugs--funds not to revert--rules and regulations.

Medical services fund--purchase of prophylactic drugs--funds notto revert--rules and regulations.

192.255. 1. All funds received by the state of Missouri from thefederal government or from any other source which are granted for the purposeof purchasing prophylactic drugs for distribution to persons certified by aphysician to be victims of rheumatic fever, and all money received by thedepartment of health and senior services as proceeds from the sale of thedrugs to the victims, shall be deposited in the state treasury to the creditof the "Medical Services Fund", which is hereby created.

2. All moneys credited to the medical services fund shall beappropriated by the general assembly only for the purchase of prophylacticdrugs to be distributed to persons certified by a physician to be victims ofrheumatic fever, for the distribution of the drugs and for the administrationof the program.

3. The unexpended balance in medical services fund at the end of thebiennium shall not be transferred to the general revenue fund of the statetreasury and accordingly shall be exempt from the provisions of section33.080, RSMo, relating to the transfer of funds to the general revenue fund ofthe state by the state treasurer.

4. The director of the department of health and senior services shallmake and promulgate necessary rules and regulations for the administration ofthe funds appropriated pursuant to this section.

(L. 1965 p. 323 §§ 1 to 4)


Medical services fund abolished subject to exemption, RSMo 33.571