192.250. Department to receive grants.

Department to receive grants.

192.250. The department of health and senior services is herebydesignated the official state agency to receive any and all federal and othergrants and aids for making a survey and for the construction of hospitals andhealth centers, provided, that private grants and aids to private hospitals,health centers and units in this state, by will, deed or gift shall vest insuch private institutions under the terms and provisions of such will, deed orgift and the department of health and senior services shall have no right,title, interest or control over grants and aids to private hospitals sogranted, unless granted in said will, deed or gift. It shall be empowered toreceive any and all such grants and aids under the terms of such grants andaids and to pay them out under any and all provisions as may be attached tosuch grants and aids. It shall be authorized to render such reports as may berequired under any and all grants and aids; provide such minimum standards formaintenance and operation of hospitals and health centers as may be requiredunder the terms of such grants and aids; and to require compliance with suchstandards in the case of hospitals and health centers which shall havereceived such grants and aids.

(L. 1945 p. 972 § 3)