192.150. Interference a misdemeanor--duty of mayor and county commission.
Interference a misdemeanor--duty of mayor and county commission.
192.150. When the owner or occupant of any building,residence, room in a hotel or dormitory or other place designatedin the report or written statement contemplated by section192.140, refuses to consent that the same be disinfected by theperson designated by the city or county commission, report ofthat fact shall be made by such person to the mayor, if suchperson was appointed by the mayor, and to the county commission,if such person was appointed by said commission, and thereuponthe mayor or the county commission shall have power and it shallbe his or their duty, either by taking of testimony or a personalinspection of the place charged to be infected, to make anexamination into the truth of the statements contained in saidreports and determine whether said place is infected with aninfectious or contagious disease, and if it is found to be soinfected it shall be the duty of the mayor or of the countycommission, as the case may be, by a written order of the mayor,and by an order spread upon its record if the county commission,to appoint some proper person to disinfect said place,designating in said order the building, residence, room in thehotel or dormitory or other place to be disinfected and saidwritten order of the mayor, or a copy of said order of the countycommission, under its seal, shall be furnished to said person andshall be his authority to enter upon said premises and todisinfect the same in a proper manner using such force as may benecessary to accomplish that purpose, proper regard being had forthe rights of the owner or occupant of said premises and thebeneficent purposes to be accomplished; and any needlessinterference by the owner or occupant of said premises or by anyother person with the person so appointed, in the performance ofthe duties required of him by said order, shall be a misdemeanor,and shall be punished in the manner provided by law forinterference with an officer in the performance of his duties.
(RSMo 1939 § 9757)Prior revisions: 1929 § 9037; 1919 § 5793