191.863. Council to assure compliance with federal accessibility laws--duties of council to assure accessibility.
Council to assure compliance with federal accessibility laws--dutiesof council to assure accessibility.
191.863. 1. The council shall work in conjunction with the office ofinformation technology to assure state compliance with the provisions ofSection 508 of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 regarding accessibilityof information technology for individuals with disabilities.
2. When developing, procuring, maintaining or using informationtechnology, or when administering contracts or grants that include theprocurement, development, or upgrading of information technology, eachstate department or agency shall ensure, unless an undue burden would beimposed on the department or agency, that the information technology allowsemployees, program participants and members of the general public access toand use of information and data that is comparable to the access byindividuals without disabilities.
3. To assure accessibility, the council and the office of informationtechnology shall:
(1) Adopt accessibility standards to be used by each state departmentor agency in the procurement of information technology, and in thedevelopment and implementation of custom-designed information technologysystems, web sites and other emerging information technology systems;
(2) Establish and implement a review procedure to be used to evaluatethe accessibility of custom-designed information technology systemsproposed by a state department or agency prior to expenditure of statefunds;
(3) Review and evaluate accessibility of information technologycommonly purchased by state departments and agencies, and provideaccessibility reports on such products to those responsible for purchasingdecisions;
(4) Provide training and technical assistance for state departmentsand agencies to assure procurement of information technology that meetsadopted accessibility standards;
(5) Involve individuals with disabilities in accessibility reviews ofinformation technology and in the delivery of training and technicalassistance;
(6) Establish complaint procedures, consistent with Section 508 ofthe Workforce Development Act of 1998 to be used by an individual with adisability who alleges that a state department or agency fails to complywith the provisions of this section.
(L. 1999 H.B. 201, A.L. 2002 H.B. 2117)