191.743. High risk pregnancies, women to be informed of available services--consent to inform department of health and senior services, forms--confidentiality--physicians not to be liable.
High risk pregnancies, women to be informed of availableservices--consent to inform department of health and seniorservices, forms--confidentiality--physicians not to be liable.
191.743. 1. Any physician or health care provider who provides servicesto pregnant women shall identify all such women who are high risk pregnanciesby use of protocols developed by the department of health and senior servicespursuant to section 191.741. The physician or health care provider shall uponidentification inform such woman of the availability of services and theoption of referral to the department of health and senior services.
2. Upon consent by the woman identified as having a high risk pregnancy,the physician or health care provider shall make a report, within seventy-twohours, to the department of health and senior services on forms approved bythe department of health and senior services.
3. Any physician or health care provider complying with the provisionsof this section, in good faith, shall have immunity from any civil liabilitythat might otherwise result by reason of such actions.
4. Referral and associated documentation provided for in this sectionshall be confidential and shall not be used in any criminal prosecution.
5. The consent required by subsection 2 of this section shall be deemeda waiver of the physician-patient privilege solely for the purpose of makingthe report pursuant to subsection 2 of this section.
(L. 1991 S.B. 190 § 10)Effective 7-1-92