191.653. HIV testing performed by whom, how--consultation with subject required, when.
HIV testing performed by whom, how--consultation with subjectrequired, when.
191.653. 1. No person shall perform or conduct HIV testing exceptphysicians, hospitals, and those persons authorized by the department ofhealth and senior services. No person shall be authorized by the departmentof health and senior services to perform or conduct HIV testing unless suchperson provides suitable verification to the department that such testingshall be performed in accordance with departmental regulations governing thetypes of tests performed and the manner in which they are administered. Thedepartment may monitor the continued compliance of such persons withdepartmental regulations. Hospitals licensed pursuant to chapter 197, RSMo,shall be deemed to be in compliance with departmental regulations governingHIV testing.
2. All HIV testing shall be performed in accordance with the departmentrules governing HIV testing procedures.
3. Except as provided in sections 191.671 and 191.686, all physicians,hospitals, or other persons authorized by the department of health and seniorservices who perform or conduct HIV sampling shall provide consultation withthe subject prior to taking the specimen and during the reporting of the testresults and shall report to the department of health and senior services theidentity of any individual confirmed to be infected with HIV.
(L. 1988 H.B. 1151 & 1044 § 2, A.L. 1996 S.B. 858)