191.645. Risk of exposure to Hepatitis C, information to be made available--web site to be maintained, content.
Risk of exposure to Hepatitis C, information to be madeavailable--web site to be maintained, content.
191.645. 1. Health care employers shall make information availableto their employees regarding the risk of exposure to hepatitis C. Suchinformation shall include but not be limited to the following:availability of testing, including lists of several sites where testing canbe obtained; cost; the department of health and senior services web site;protocol for accidental exposure; and any other information deemedpertinent by the employer.
2. The department of health and senior services shall maintain a"Missouri Hepatitis C" web site in conjunction with the department'scurrent web site that:
(1) Informs Missourians of the availability testing for the detectionof hepatitis C;
(2) Contains detailed information regarding hepatitis including, butnot limited to, the following:
(a) Facts about hepatitis C;
(b) Risk factors for the contraction of hepatitis C;
(c) Common routes of transmission for hepatitis C;
(d) Effects of hepatitis C on the liver and other organs;
(e) Current treatments for acute and chronic hepatitis C;
(f) Effects of untreated hepatitis C on the liver and other organs;
(3) Contains links to the following information and instructional websites:
(a) The American Liver Foundation (www.liverfoundation.org);
(b) Hepatitis Foundation International (www.hepatitisfoundation.org);
(c) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(www.cdc.gov/ncidod/diseases/hepatitis/resource/);
(d) Links to any other web site or sites the director deemsappropriate and informative for Missourians; and
(e) Information on hepatitis C support groups in Missouri, includingbut not limited to meeting times, locations, and dates.
(L. 2005 S.B. 74 & 49)