191.411. System of coordinated health care services--health access incentive fund created, purpose--enhanced Medicaid payments--rules--annual report.
System of coordinated health care services--health access incentivefund created, purpose--enhanced Medicaid payments--rules--annualreport.
191.411. 1. The director of the department of health and seniorservices shall develop and implement a plan to define a system ofcoordinated health care services available and accessible to all persons,in accordance with the provisions of this section. The plan shallencourage the location of appropriate practitioners of health careservices, including dentists, or psychiatrists or psychologists as definedin section 632.005, RSMo, in rural and urban areas of the state,particularly those areas designated by the director of the department ofhealth and senior services as health resource shortage areas, in return forthe consideration enumerated in subsection 2 of this section. Thedepartment of health and senior services shall have authority to contractwith public and private health care providers for delivery of suchservices.
2. There is hereby created in the state treasury the "Health AccessIncentive Fund". Moneys in the fund shall be used to implement andencourage a program to fund loans, loan repayments, start-up grants,provide locum tenens, professional liability insurance assistance, practicesubsidy, annuities when appropriate, or technical assistance in exchangefor location of appropriate health providers, including dentists, who agreeto serve all persons in need of health services regardless of ability topay. The department of health and senior services shall encourage therecruitment of minorities in implementing this program.
3. In accordance with an agreement approved by both the director ofthe department of social services and the director of the department ofhealth and senior services, the commissioner of the office ofadministration shall issue warrants to the state treasurer to transferavailable funds from the health access incentive fund to the department ofsocial services to be used to enhance MO HealthNet payments to physicians,dentists, psychiatrists, psychologists, or other mental health providerslicensed under chapter 337, RSMo, in order to enhance the availability ofphysician, dental, or mental health services in shortage areas. The amountthat may be transferred shall be the amount agreed upon by the directors ofthe departments of social services and health and senior services and shallnot exceed the maximum amount specifically authorized for any such transferby appropriation of the general assembly.
4. The general assembly shall appropriate money to the health accessincentive fund from the health initiatives fund created by section 191.831.The health access incentive fund shall also contain money as otherwiseprovided by law, gift, bequest or devise. Notwithstanding the provisionsof section 33.080, RSMo, the unexpended balance in the fund at the end ofthe biennium shall not be transferred to the general revenue fund of thestate.
5. The director of the department of health and senior services shallhave authority to promulgate reasonable rules to implement the provisionsof this section pursuant to chapter 536, RSMo.
6. The department of health and senior services shall submit anannual report to the oversight committee created under section 208.955,RSMo, regarding the implementation of the plan developed under thissection.
(L. 1993 H.B. 564, A.L. 2001 S.B. 393, A.L. 2007 S.B. 577)