191.390. Program created--panel to be appointed, duties.
Program created--panel to be appointed, duties.
191.390. 1. There is hereby created within the department of healthand senior services the "Missouri Fibromyalgia Awareness InitiativeProgram". The primary target population for such program shall be womenbetween twenty and sixty years of age.
2. The department shall appoint and convene the "MissouriFibromyalgia Panel" to be comprised of individuals who shall act in avoluntary capacity with knowledge and expertise regarding fibromyalgiaresearch, prevention, educational programs, and consumer needs, to guideprogram development. The panel shall seek and is authorized to acceptprivate, federal, or other public financial support, grants, or otherappropriate moneys to support the program. The department shall providethe panel and program necessary administrative services and support.
3. The panel shall have the following duties:
(1) In consultation with the National Fibromyalgia Association, toraise at least fifty thousand dollars through private funding for thepurpose of establishing a public information and outreach campaign forissues related to fibromyalgia, including appropriate educational materialto promote early diagnosis and treatment, prevention of complications,improvement of quality of life at home and in the workplace, and addressingmental health and disability issues of fibromyalgia patients;
(2) To work with other state and local agencies to promotefibromyalgia education and training programs for physicians and otherhealth professionals; and
(3) To examine the various pharmaceutical treatments available forfibromyalgia patients.
4. This section shall be implemented only to the extent that thepanel obtains private funding for the purpose of this section.
(L. 2008 S.B. 1068 § 338.410)