191.365. Sickle cell anemia--purposes of program--financial assistance, when.
Sickle cell anemia--purposes of program--financial assistance, when.
191.365. 1. The department shall establish a program forthe care and treatment of persons suffering from sickle cellanemia and the identification and counseling of individuals thathave sickle cell trait. This program shall assist persons whorequire continuing treatment to avoid crippling, extensivehospitalization, and other effects associated with this criticalblood disease, but who are unable to pay for the entire cost ofsuch services on a continuing basis after payment of claims fromvarious types of hospital and medical insurance coverages,Medicare, Medicaid, and other government assistance programs inexistence now or in the future, and private charitable assistanceprograms.
2. State assistance for care and treatment pursuant tosubsection 1 of this section shall be available to an applicantonly after he has shown that he has exhausted all benefits frominsurance coverage, Medicare, Medicaid, and other governmentassistance programs, and private and charitable assistanceprograms.
(L. 1985 H.B. 612)