191.325. Cost of services, how paid--free to persons financially unable to pay--residency requirement.
Cost of services, how paid--free to persons financially unable topay--residency requirement.
191.325. Any person residing in the state of Missouri who isin need of genetic services and, as a person, can probablybenefit from such services and who is otherwise financiallyunable to pay for such services shall be entitled to healthservices without charge to the limit of the appropriationsprovided for genetic services. Any patient who, or whoseparents, guardian or other person legally chargeable with thesupport of the patient, is able to pay a portion but not all ofthe expenses for the required services for the patient shall beentitled to the services if the patient or parent, guardian orother person legally charged with the support of the patientshall pay such portion of the expenses to the provider as thepatient or parent, guardian or other person legally charged withthe support of the patient is reasonably able to pay. However,when the patient is eligible, payments will be made for suchservices through Medicaid or other insurance benefits availableto the patient to the fullest possible extent. The benefitsavailable under the provisions of sections 191.300 to 191.331,191.340, and 191.365 to 191.380 shall not replace those providedunder other federal or state law or under other contractual orlegal entitlements of the persons receiving them. This sectiondoes not apply to metabolic screenings.
(L. 1985 H.B. 612)