188.325. Program established, services provided--matching moneys to be sought--moneys not to be used for abortions or abortion services.
Program established, services provided--matching moneys to besought--moneys not to be used for abortions or abortion services.
188.325. 1. There is hereby established the "Missouri Alternativesto Abortion Services Program" which shall be administered by a state agencyor agencies, as designated by appropriations to such or each agency. Thealternatives to abortion services program shall consist of services orcounseling to pregnant women and continuing for one year after birth toassist women in carrying their unborn children to term instead of havingabortions, and to assist women in caring for their dependent children orplacing their children for adoption.
2. Services provided under the alternatives to abortion program shallinclude but not be limited to the following:
(1) Prenatal care;
(2) Medical and mental health care;
(3) Parenting skills;
(4) Drug and alcohol testing and treatment;
(5) Child care, and newborn and infant care;
(6) Housing and utilities;
(7) Educational services;
(8) Food, clothing, and supplies relating to pregnancy, newborn care,and parenting;
(9) Adoption assistance;
(10) Job training and placement;
(11) Establishing and promoting responsible paternity;
(12) Ultrasound services;
(13) Case management;
(14) Domestic abuse protection; and
(15) Transportation.
3. Actual provision and delivery of services and counseling shall bedependent on client needs and not otherwise prioritized by the agency oragencies administering the program. Services and counseling shall beavailable only during pregnancy and continuing for one year after birth,and shall exclude any family planning services. The agency or agenciesadministering the program may contract with other public or privateagencies or entities to provide the services or counseling on behalf of theagency or agencies administering the program. Such other public or privateagencies or entities may provide additional services or counseling, orservices or counseling for more than one year after birth, that are notfunded under the alternatives to abortion services program, as long as suchservices or counseling are not inconsistent with the provisions of thissection. Contractors for the alternatives to abortion services program mayalso be contractors for the alternatives to abortion public awarenessprogram established in section 188.335.
4. The agency or agencies administering the program shall to thegreatest extent possible supplement and match moneys appropriated for thealternatives to abortion services program with federal and other publicmoneys and with private moneys. The agency or agencies administering theprogram shall prioritize such additional federal, other public, and privatemoneys so that they are used preferentially for the alternatives toabortion services program and the alternatives to abortion public awarenessprogram.
5. The alternatives to abortion services program and the moneysexpended under this section shall not be used to perform or induce, assistin the performing or inducing of or refer for abortions. Moneys expendedunder this section shall not be granted to organizations or affiliates oforganizations that perform or induce, assist in the performing or inducingof or refer for abortions.
(L. 2007 H.B. 1055)