188.036. Prohibited abortions, those done with intent to use fetal organs or tissue for transplant, experiments or for consideration, exceptions.
Prohibited abortions, those done with intent to use fetal organs ortissue for transplant, experiments or for consideration,exceptions.
188.036. 1. No physician shall perform an abortion on awoman if the physician knows that the woman conceived the unbornchild for the purpose of providing fetal organs or tissue formedical transplantation to herself or another, and the physicianknows that the woman intends to procure the abortion to utilizethose organs or tissue for such use for herself or another.
2. No person shall utilize the fetal organs or tissueresulting from an abortion for medical transplantation, if theperson knows that the abortion was procured for the purpose ofutilizing those organs or tissue for such use.
3. No person shall offer any inducement, monetary orotherwise, to a woman or a prospective father of an unborn childfor the purpose of conceiving an unborn child for the medical,scientific, experimental or therapeutic use of the fetal organsor tissue.
4. No person shall offer any inducement, monetary orotherwise, to the mother or father of an unborn child for thepurpose of procuring an abortion for the medical, scientific,experimental or therapeutic use of the fetal organs or tissue.
5. No person shall knowingly offer or receive any valuableconsideration for the fetal organs or tissue resulting from anabortion, provided that nothing in this subsection shall prohibitpayment for burial or other final disposition of the fetalremains, or payment for a pathological examination, autopsy orpostmortem examination of the fetal remains.
6. If any provision in this section or the applicationthereof to any person, circumstance or period of gestation isheld invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the provisions orapplications which can be given effect without the invalidprovision or application, and to this end the provisions of thissection are declared severable.
(L. 1988 H.B. 1479)