184.850. Powers of district.
Powers of district.
184.850. 1. A district may contract and incur obligations appropriateto accomplish its purposes.
2. A district may enter into any lease or lease-purchase agreement foror with respect to any real or personal property necessary or convenient forits purposes.
3. A district may enter into operating agreements and/or managementagreements with not-for-profit corporations to operate the museum or carry outany other authorized purposes or* functions of the district.
4. A district may borrow money for its purposes at such rates ofinterest as the district may determine.
5. A district may issue bonds, notes and other obligations, and maysecure any of such obligations by mortgage, pledge, assignment, securityagreement or deed of trust of any or all of the property and income of thedistrict, subject to the restrictions provided in sections 184.800 to 184.880. The district shall also have the power and authority to secure financing onthe issuance of bonds for financing through another political subdivision oran agency of the state.
6. A district may enter into labor agreements, establish all bidconditions, decide all contract awards, pay all contractors and generallysupervise the construction of the museum project.
(L. 1997 S.B. 21)Effective 7-7-97
*Word "of" appears in original rolls.