184.815. Petition for creation of district to be filed by December 31, 1998--size of district--petition contents--objections to petition, when raised.
Petition for creation of district to be filed by December 31,1998--size of district--petition contents--objections topetition, when raised.
184.815. 1. Whenever the creation of a district is desired, theowners of real property who own at least two-thirds of the real propertywithin the proposed district may file a petition requesting the creation ofa district. The petition shall be filed in the circuit court of the countyin which the proposed district is located. Any petition to create a museumdistrict pursuant to the provisions of sections 184.800 to 184.880 shall befiled on or before December 31, 1998.
2. The proposed district area shall be contiguous and may contain anyportion of one or more municipalities.
3. The petition shall set forth:
(1) The name and address of each owner of real property locatedwithin the proposed district or who is a legal voter resident within theproposed district;
(2) A specific description of the proposed district boundariesincluding a map illustrating such boundaries;
(3) A general description of the purpose or purposes for which thedistrict is being formed, including a description of the proposed museum ormuseums and a general plan for its operation; and
(4) The name of the proposed district.
4. In the event any owner of real property within the proposeddistrict who is named in the petition or any legal voter resident withinthe district shall not join in the petition or file an entry of appearanceand waiver of service of process in the case, a copy of the petition shallbe served upon said owner or legal voter in the manner provided by supremecourt rule for the service of petitions generally. Any objections to thepetition shall be raised by answer within the time provided by supremecourt rule for the filing of an answer to a petition.
(L. 1997 S.B. 21)Effective 7-7-97