184.610. Dissolution of district, procedure--ballot form--cost of election, how paid--property donated by city to revert to city.
Dissolution of district, procedure--ballot form--cost of election,how paid--property donated by city to revert to city.
184.610. 1. Any special purpose district formed under theprovisions of sections 184.600 to 184.622 may be dissolvedpursuant to this section. Upon the filing with the governingbody of the district of a petition containing the signatures ofqualified voters representing eight percent of the votes cast atthe last preceding election for governor, the governing bodyshall submit the proposition to the voters in the district usingthe same procedure and in the same manner so far as practicableas is provided for the submission of the question for forming thedistrict.
2. Such proposition or propositions shall be submitted tothe voters in substantially the following form at such election:
Shall the .................... Metropolitan Zoo District bedissolved?
â ã YES â ã NO
3. In the event that a majority of the voters voting on suchproposition cast "YES" votes, then the district shall be deemeddissolved. The results of the election shall be certified by theelection officials of such city or county, respectively, to therespective chief executive officers of such city or county notless than thirty days after the day on which such election washeld. The cost of such election shall be borne by the city andcounty, respectively, as provided by law.
4. Dissolution of the district shall be carried out in themanner prescribed by section 67.955, RSMo, except property ownedby any city which was donated to the district pursuant tosubsection 2 of section 184.606 shall revert to such city.
(L. 1990 S.B. 525 § 5)