184.606. Powers of district--city to convey existing public zoo to district, conditions--right to charge fees, when--authority to employ staff.
Powers of district--city to convey existing public zoo to district,conditions--right to charge fees, when--authority to employ staff.
184.606. 1. Each metropolitan zoo district may own, hold,control, lease, acquire by donation, gift or bequest, purchase,contract, lease, sell, any and all rights in land, buildings,improvements, furnishings, displays, exhibits and programs andany and all other real, personal or mixed property, or tocontract with other persons to provide for any and all servicesfor the purposes of the district.
2. All buildings, property and facilities of existing publiczoos in the city or owned by the city shall become the propertyof and vest in the district, except that the city may at itsoption by filing notice with the district within ninety daysafter the voters have given approval of the district that it willdeed the property subject to certain conditions or contract withthe district for conveyance of such property subject to terms andconditions that the city deems appropriate. Any obligations,duties, rights, privileges of whatever description pertaining toor relating to the maintenance, operation, construction, design,or affairs of any such existing zoo shall be assumed by therespective district, including the right to continue to chargefees if such fees were approved by the voters.
3. The district may employ and appoint personnel as thedistrict board deems appropriate and necessary to carry out thefunctions of the district. All employees of a publicly owned andoperated zoological park shall upon the establishment of adistrict become employees of the district and such appointees'and employees' seniority, pension, salaries, wages and fringebenefits shall be equal to or better than that existing at thetime of the establishment of the district insofar as may bepossible.
(L. 1990 S.B. 525 § 4 subsecs. 1, 2, 3)