184.602. Board, appointment, terms, officers, vacancies--area outside city representation, how determined, county clerk's duties--qualifications--terms.
Board, appointment, terms, officers, vacancies--area outside cityrepresentation, how determined, county clerk'sduties--qualifications--terms.
184.602. 1. When in any city as described in section184.600 it has been decided by vote in the manner provided insection 184.600 that a tax shall be levied for the metropolitanzoo district, then the mayor of the city shall appoint ninemembers to the metropolitan zoo district board, with the approvalof the city council. Such board members shall serve withoutcompensation for a term of three years and until their successorsare appointed and qualified, except that of the initialappointments three shall be for a term of one year, three shallbe for a term of two years, and three shall be for a term ofthree years. Any vacancy shall be filled by the mayor, with theapproval of the city council, for the unexpired term. Eachmember appointed shall have been a qualified voter of the cityfor at least one year immediately before his appointment andshall continue to reside therein during his tenure in office.The board shall elect its own chairman, secretary and such otherofficers that it deems necessary and it may make such rules,regulations and bylaws to effectuate its purposes it deemsnecessary.
2. If an area outside the city votes to join the district,then such area shall be entitled to proportional representationon the board in accordance with its population to the populationof the city provided such area shall be entitled to at least onerepresentative on the board. The county clerk shall determinethe number of additional representatives by dividing thepopulation of the city based on the last census by nine toproduce the quotient and shall allocate to an area that has votedto join the district one representative per quotient or partthereof which representative or representatives shall be inaddition to the nine representatives from the city. The countycommission shall appoint board members who shall have resided inthe area outside the city for terms of three years.
(L. 1990 S.B. 525 § 2)